There’s still some leftover wedding cake, so Amie Kalani enjoys a slice while admiring her wedding photo. It’s still so fresh in her mind, she’s able to relive the day with perfect clarity.
Author: Galactrix
Amie and Mitchell Kalani have the interior of their home in Willow Creek completely redecorated to suit their needs. Mitchell loves the living room, with its juice bar and wall mounted TV – it’ll be perfect for hanging with his bro friends and watching sports.
The housemates of Cacti Casa bid farewell to their roomie, Mitchell Kalani. He’s moving out to live with his new wife in Willow Creek. Zoe gives Mitchell a big hug and makes him promise to visit often, while J and Gavin cheer for their bro Mitchell taking the next step in his life.
Husband and Wife
It’s a beautiful day for a wedding at Municipal Muses in Willow Creek, and friends gather to watch Mitchell Kalani and Amie Irvin become husband and wife. It’s the greatest day of Mitchell’s life, being hand-in-hand with the woman he loves and having his best bros all around him.
Adjusting to the Atmosphere
J Huntington III notices a busty beauty sitting at the bar and introduces himself. Martha Noonan says she’s just arrived from a place very, very far away and is adjusting to the atmosphere. J assumes she means the desert heat of Oasis Springs, which can take a while to get used to.
Mad Skillz
Arun visits GeekCon to participate in the Hackathon contest. He’s up against his new work colleague J Huntington III, who is hiding some mad skillz in programming behind those muscular bro looks. J wins the competition, but Arun will keep practising and do better next time!
Trading Places
Jesminder asks her husband Arun if he’s considering that job offer from Rainy Day Entertainment. She offers to quit her job and look after Milton during the day while Arun pursues a lucrative career as a Tech Guru. It will also give Jesminder the chance to paint more, which she loves to do.
They Grow So Fast
Arun glances over at his son Milton sitting on the couch watching TV with him, and wonders where the time went. It seems like only a short while ago he was a baby, then his first birthday came and went and now he’s a cute little toddler. They grow so fast…
Stay at Home Dad
Arun volunteered to be a stay at home dad when baby Milton was born, while Jesminder returned to her well paying mixologist career. While minding the baby bassinet, Arun practices his programming skills and does freelance work making plugins on the computer.
Baby Bheeda
Jesminder cradles her baby son Milton in her arms. She works eveninings as a mixologist, so any quality time she gets to spend with her baby during the day is precious. Jesminder’s job is the primary source of income for the family, and there’s apartment rent and expenses to pay.