Karim Al Habib is promoted to be the new Chief of Police. His good friend Detective Tenzin Gyatso thinks this is awesome, and is sure that Karim will be a great chief. The criminals still out in the world don’t stand a chance!

Karim Al Habib is promoted to be the new Chief of Police. His good friend Detective Tenzin Gyatso thinks this is awesome, and is sure that Karim will be a great chief. The criminals still out in the world don’t stand a chance!
Congratulations to Karim! I think he’ll be a great chief. 😁
I was really impressed that Karim had climbed all the way up to the top of the Detective career. It was a bit sad to see surly old Chief Ishikawa have to go, but I put a photo of him up above the Chief’s office so he’ll always be remembered 👮
Aww, that’s cool! 😛